Decimal numbers such as 3.762 are used in situations which call for more precision than whole numbers provide.
As with whole numbers, a digit in a decimal number has a value which depends on the place of the digit. The places to the left of the decimal point are ones, tens, hundreds, and so on, just as with whole numbers. This table shows the decimal place value for various positions:
Note: That adding extra zeros to the right of the last decimal digit does not change the value of the decimal number.Im going to show you what we did today but not exactly the same question or number .
Eg. Order these decimal numbers from least to greatest
Answer: 0.27,0.45,0.89,1.27,1.42
I pick Edmil for the next scribepost.
Good Job Noel! But the part that I hate is you picked me!
good job noel! Except, you didnt say what we did with the provincial folders i think its called and i see you forgot how to put a video on.
NICE JOB! I like that you use colors to highlight the important words.
good job noel ! you explain it very well .. good job again ! .
good job, but u forgot to put the folder thingie we did in class !! but everything was very understandable!
Nice job , Noel .. you explained things nicely , but you didn't put what we did with that folder thing , that we did in class . D:
Great job, Noel you explained it very well, although you forgot to the folder thingy?, anyways GOODJOB :D
Good job noel, but you just put the url for the video...and you have to use more colors in your words. I think you forgot to put the folder stuff too, good job though.
Good job! You explained things well and the colours were easy to read. You might want to try and use more of them though.
Good job Noel! with all the colours but you forgot to say stuff about the folder. Good job any way(:
Good job Noel! Except you did talk about the Provincials folder we did and by the way,Good job highlighting the important words. Good job again.
Good job Noel! I liked how you used colour and I also liked how you added a video. It was a great scribe, good job again!
nice job Noel!
you used the colors nicely.
GoOd JoB nOeL, I lIkEd HoW yOu UsEd StUfF aNd CoLoRs
GoOd JoB OnCe AgAiN
good job noel, but you didn't put that we did the provincial folders. good job though !
Good Job, Noel! I liked how you used different colors but you should have used the bright green color because the word DECIMAL was hard to see. Other than that, you did a good job!
Good job noel but you didn't say anything about the provincial folders.
Nice job,Noel.
But you forgot to put the thing about the foder.
Good job. I like how you put colours and a video in your scribe post but you didn't say anything about the provincial folders.
Good Job Noel! I liked how you use the colors and highlighed the most important words too! The only thing that you're missing is that was also did that folder thing...
Once again great job Noel!
Good job it was realy good i liked it and i could understand it.
Great job, Noel! Everything was very clear. I also liked how you uploaded a video. Great job, again!
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